Saturday, February 29, 2020

I'm Back...I Think

Well, hello! Yes, it's been a LOOONNNNGGGGG damn time since I've blogged...since 2017 to be exact. And, to be honest, nothing has changed. Nothing. (That's a problem woman. You have to do better.)

 Seeing that it's the 29th day of February...yep, leap year...I might as well detox some of this mess that I've been feeling. It's a lot. It's thick. It's disgusting. But hey, it's me.

Let's get some stuff out of the way, shall we?

The kid got her bachelor's degree in psychology from Prairie View A&M University in the fall of 2018. (GO PUMPKIN!) She is now pursuing her Master's degree in Human Health from Stephen F. Austin State University. I'm proud of her. Very proud!

As for her Ma, well, no degree as of yet. I'm gonna get it though. It's a goal. I wish I had known about goals when I was 18. But I digress...

...still single. I can't lie, I know HOW to be alone, but that doesn't mean that I WANT to be alone. That shit is...well...lonely. 

I got a promotion at work. I'm happy in that area of my life. I could always use more money though. Then again, we ALL could.

I've learned that I have a problem with commitment. Not just relationship, in a lot of shit. I plan the shit out, but I never commit to something to the end. I'm figuring that out. It may take time, but I'll get it together. 

I've forgiven someone...& they've forgiven me. That discussion was EXTREMELY necessary. The road to healing ain't an easy one but we both have dedicated ourselves to the healing process. There was a lot of hurt. A LOT. Soooo much was said in anger. However, we forgave each other. I think that it's something that we both needed. That may be another blog for another day.

I've had to learn my place in people's lives. I've had to learn to be ok with it. Does it hurt? Yep. However, learning what role I am in someone's life is better than NOT knowing what it is. 

Now, let's get to the good part. I'm learning to love me. I've been telling myself how awesome that I am. I've had to remind myself that I'm worth more than sex. (Once again, another blog for another day.) As I told someone last week, I'm a damn good woman, and if a man can't see that, then his ass is blind. I've had to learn to stop and breathe...take life in. I'm learning to take care of MISTY. I mean, who else is going to do it??  

I don't want to roam aimlessly through this life anymore. I have come to the realization that I need to get out more. Do what interests Misty (whatever THAT is), and not worry about anyone else. My life consists of work, church, and home. I mean, there HAS to be more to life than that, right?

Let me be honest: I don't know why the hell I decided to start writing this blog. I mean, I guess that I wanted to get some stuff out, but all of this is pretty damn random. I have no rhyme or reason to this. 

But you read it. Every damn word. 

Maybe I just wanted to let y'all know that I was alive.

Now, I just need to figure out how to LIVE.

1 comment:

  1. I know some great changes just from the 6 or 7 years I’ve known you. Honey 🍯 you’ve Got testimony embedded in your smile. The proof is in your struts so keep on strutting hunty! I love you to the 💫 & back! 💖🌹😘🌟
